Only for Steam-Stalkers!

12 October, 2016

Breaking news!

A gang of thugs robbed the Bookmaker and managed to get away with a bag full of sZone pins. The bandits have divided the booty and lost themselves in the Zone, but haven't enjoyed it for long.

Nobody knows what exactly did the Bookmaker, maybe he used some anomalies forces or was drank with some scientists. But crowds of mutants were rushed on the thugs, which were robbed him. No one left alive. Everyone were devoured.

Weapons and other loot aren't interesting to the mutants, but the pins were small enough to be swallowed by them. The pins are sharp, poor creatures suffer and became even more embittered.

According to approximate calculations, there are, at least, hundred of such unlucky beasts. It's unclear there one can find them exactly, because the robbers dispersed in all locations. So there could be a basilisk in a swamp, who could suffer from a heartburn pin, as well as a harmless rat in Lubetch.

Greenpeace doesn't work in Zone, animals defenders do not survive here, being eaten by their "pets", and the mutants are threat to mankind. If you decide to rid beasties from their suffering, no one will mind. And you can also earn the pins, if digging through mutant guts doesn't disgust you.

Have a good hunting!