Jaws Mask (7 days)
Level: 4
Weight: 0.275 кг.
Durability: 1000000

A bonus item with limited time of use. This item will disappear after 7 days from the moment of purchase. A ritual mask of "Ash Guards" -- a special subdivision within the White Brethren. "Ash Guards" are associated with countless number of myths and legends. The Brethren itself denies their existence, but if to believe a popular stalkers' tale, the "guards" are reclaimed "brothers" who once infuriated the Mentor and were through the purification by sacred fire. As the "purification" mentioned above implies ritual self-immolation it is not surprising that everymen consider "ash guards" a hoax -- a bogeyman story spieled by stalkers by the fire.

Head 500 500 500 500 500 500

Tags: No

In-game cost: Not for sale